Check for the Garage Sale List and Instructions. There usually are many homes that have garage sales the same day but are not listed.
Please email your garage sale (address, cross street, items) to by Friday, 09/16, 2PM, to put you garage sale on the page and in the flyer to be printed and put along San Marin Drive.
Click for 2016 San Marin Garage Sale List - - list updated till Friday afternoon (8.5x14)
For neighbors who are doing garage sale, other than the ADs I will put out, you are welcome to place your own ad and directional signs. Please take all directional signs down after the sale to keep our neighborhood tidy.
To Recycle, Reuse, Dispose - Click for items that are not sold but you would like to recycle, reuse, dispose
* Fresh Live/Cooked Lobster Sale Fundraiser - 09/24, 10/22 - 100% proceed goes to high school scholarships
* SI Novato Annual Luncheon - 10/05 - Positivity and Optimism Winning the Day - Laura Holmes Haddad, local author of This is Cancer: Everything You Need to Know from the Waiting Room. Register NOW - Limited Seats
* Oktoberfest - 10/22 5:30-10pm Tickets? Contact, Fundraiser for Novato Sunrise Rotary.
Thank you!
Sylvia Barry
cell/text (415) 717-0293