General Membership Meeting / Board Election – 6:30 pm, May 11th, All Saints Church
Per SMIA Bylaws, we will hold an annual General meeting to elect Officers and Board of Directors. The meeting will be held at 6:30pm, May 11th, at All Saints for board election and general business.The SMIA Officers and Board of Directors Nominees are as follows:
- President – Sylvia Barry
- Vice President – Alice Demushkin Dow
- Treasurer – Kathryn Chang
- Secretary – Anita Waite
- Directors – Mike Morris, Susan Stompe, Susan Wernick
Presentation by Novato Police Chief, Adam McGill – 7:00 pm, May 11th, All Saints Church
Come and meet the new Novato Police Chief, Adam McGill.Chief McGill will speak about his history in law enforcement, his appointment to the NPD, his assessment of crime and safety in the City of Novato, and his plan for law enforcement for the City.
We hope to see you at both meetings this Thursday!
Thank you!
Sylvia Barry
San Marin Improvement Association
Cell/Text: 415-717-0293